Who is better Aws or Azure?

Who is better Aws or Azure?

Setting up “Cloud Computers” isn’t like buying a mobile phone. When buying a phone, the function of all phone is the same - calling, messages, camera, and supports apps.

But when you are wanting to use “Cloud Computers” let’s list the things you MUST look at:

  • availability - how far or near is the data center located from your point of intended use?

  • backup strategy - how do you backup the data? have a disaster recovery server ready to fall back on, how quickly can you shift? if the whole Amazon network, how do you service your product?

  • pricing - how much cost would you incur if you go with each of them at the end of the month?

  • network uptime - what’s the promise of network uptime? Amazon provides 99.99999% reliability (5 nines after the dot) for a few of its services.

  • hidden charges - if there are any hidden charges for you concerning bandwidth, data transferred, storage, web hits, etc.

  • documentations - if enough documentation is available if you are stuck on some problem with the server.